วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 2 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

[TV] Oasis @ Japan TV Show Music Station (2009.03.27) [HD-Rip 1276x720]

Oasis On Japan TV Show Music Station
(2009.03.27) [HD-Rip 1276x720]

## Oasis Interviewed on Japanese TV Show Music Station.avi 39 MB
Link: http://www.hulashare.com/view.php?file=15e3bb6f071a9f7e0e5bc670ed5ceff3

## Falling Down + The Shock Of The Lightning (MS '09).avi 150 MB (โหลดครบ 2 Part ก่อนแล้วค่อยรวมไฟล์นะ)

Link:1 http://www.hulashare.com/view.php?file=2668bb43d3fab3636c7ddcfbbd5f3352
Link:2 http://www.hulashare.com/view.php?file=01d559a2876086f9d104167fface5811

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I want to download this files! but I don't know how I downroad it... :( This site refused me... Would you upload it on other site, or help me to know a way downloading...? I really want this files!